Hey, hey, hey! Another year has come for us to rock and just live, love and laugh. Okay, no need to remind me of my slacking and just pure laziness – I already know and somehow, sloth is a sin we all commit in varying degrees. So, now, on the dawn of the Year of the Ox, I am establishing the principles/virtues/goals that I want and I need in order to make 2009 a blast! Look, for seventeen years now , I’ve never done anything like this sort of “new year’s resolution” because I feel that coming up with one is too cliché. But then, I remembered that I’m a visual/active type of person – that I recall things better when I see them or when I write or perform the thing itself. So I guess I have no choice then? One note though, whatever I write here, doesn’t mean that I am making a promise or anything of that degree. I just want to give myself some direction since promises are of a whole different level that, based from experience, are not easily achieved by anyone at a whim. I wrote nine goals for the year two-double zero-NINE.
Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s roll…
1. ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend…’ – Nope, I’m not going to start wearing jewelries or fancy accessories when not necessary. I just used the said line from Moulin Rouge because of the materialism that it emits. I admit that I became very worldly during the past year that I casually spent what I have saved and I want to make things right. Yep, that’s my number one goal for 2009 since global economy is currently unstable (not that Philippine economy had been stable for the last 5 years, but anyway) and I’m still at a stage where I’m not that capable yet of earning much as I want to. Save, save, save!
2. Read up! – One thing that I regret about my 2008 was the fact that I had only read few books compared to the previous years. I can’t throw the “I’m busy” BS upon my self since reading is one of my passions. You can’t just ignore the things that make you happy because you’re busy – you find time, right? So for 2009, I don’t care if Dr. Gross wants me to read 57 pages of chemistry stuff. I’ll find time to read books that are not required for school though I’m not zooming in exclusively on books. I’d love to be in touch with magazines, journals, blogs, articles, anything as long as they’d provide me a different insight each day.
3. ‘Smile’ – People say that I’m always smiling. I’m not really sure about that but I think it’s not a bad thing to incorporate, ne? Before, I have this friend who dared me to smile at a random person everyday. I was kind of freaked out by the thought of doing such but when I looked at the idea on a different point of view, such practice would be great. Besides, everyone’s so busy nowadays that we forget how to be happy for the seemingly little yet more important things in this world. And by smiling, I mean sincerely, not some fake ‘say cheese!’ smile. You feel it when you mean it right?
4. Aim Higher – Okay, this is a weird one. In my entire life, I’ve always fought hard and played harder to get what I want but somewhere along the way, I found myself losing that fire. I want to rekindle that fire, feel everything that I do. I’m not only talking about academics but things in general. Nope, I won’t settle for anything less than what I want and I’m sure you’ll be there to help me.
5. Keep it Real – Another cliché but true line. I’m not a saint and I admit that I do lie. I did lie during 2008 and I know it’s wrong to deceive others and one ’s self. Even if there are so-called white lies, I want to keep things, somehow, clean. Another thing about this goal is about shutting my mouth when I won’t be able to say something good. Things will feel better and will be better if I aim to do those. I can feel it.
6. Miss Independent – Not that I’m not independent already but specifically, I want to be more mature and responsible of myself in terms of decision-making, chores, and other affairs. I think losing track of my planner affected my 2008 and I don’t want that to happen this year so I’ll be vigilant in terms of my awareness level regarding deadlines, events, exam dates and birthdays. Also, I want to incorporate organization into my life by doing things on time so I don’t find myself going nocturnal during hell weeks. It will need a lot of work but hey, I’m certain that everything will be worth it.
7. Love...loves…love! – Last year, I got so caught up on searching for romantic love that I almost forgot that love is not always equal to romance. For once, I resolve to focus on the people who already love me – family and friends, reciprocate the love and care they limitlessly give. I don’t need to look for romance desperately, it will just come at the right place and at the right time. Romantic love is not something we can rush for it’s just not easy to deal with. Besides, true love waits. :)
8. An apple a day keeps the doctor away -- I won't just say that I want to lose weight because people can lose weight while sacrificing their health. I just want to be away from any type of illness by trying to eat according to the food pyramid and doing simple exercises to keep my body moving. These small steps are more realistic than torturing my self to lose, say, 30 pounds before the year ends. Health cannot be bought so let's take care of it.
9. Live for the moment – Above all things, now is the most important. He is the only one who knows what’s going to happen next. Better make the most out of it since we can’t bring it back whenever we want to. And of course, offer each day to Him.
Well, that’s the bulk of it folks. I hope you’ll also be able to figure out what YOU want for yourself this year and make them happen.
Until my next entry! Have a rockin’ year ahead!